Static Stretching
Static stretching is most often recommended for general fitness. With this type, you slowly ease into the position
and hold for 10 to 30 seconds before slowly releasing the stretch. Static stretching should be performed with warm
muscles, such as after a warm-up or at the end of a workout. There are two forms of static stretching.
Active Static: This form of stretching is used in yoga and martial arts. The stretch is held by the strength of agonist
muscles (muscles responsible for the movement). Think of the stretch across the upper body during the Warrior II
pose in yoga. Your arms are extended as your back, chest, and shoulders are stretched. The muscles of the arms
and shoulders are the agonist muscles that allow you to hold this stretch.
Passive Static: During this type of stretching, you hold the limb to perform the stretch without any assistance such
as a bar or bands. Think of a standing quadriceps stretch in which you bend your leg behind you and hold the foot,
pulling the heel in close to your bottom, which stretches the front of the upper thigh.
Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic stretching is stretching with movement. The body transitions gradually into a position and this movement
is repeated as you increase your reach and range of motion. If you have ever taken a group exercise class, you
have likely engaged in dynamic stretching. Movements such as alternating knee lifts repeatedly stretch the hamstrings
while keeping the body in motion. Research has found that dynamic stretching is less beneficial than static stretching
for increasing range of motion, but unlike static stretching, it is ideal during the pre-workout phase because it gently
warms muscles while also stretching them.
PNF Stretching
PNF stands for Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. This type of stretching is often referred to as partner
stretching because two people are needed to perform the movements. There are many forms of PNF, but most
involve an isometric hold followed by a static stretch of the same muscle group. An example of PNF is a hamstring
stretch where one person lies on her back with the right leg extended straight up into the air. The second person
grasps the ankle and gently presses the leg towards the other person’s head to stretch the hamstring. The pressure
is released and then the stretch is repeated.
While PNF is as effective as static stretching for improving range of motion, it is less practical because of the necessity
of a partner. It is most often used in clinical and fitness settings for training and rehabilitation.
Ballistic Stretching
This type of stretching uses bouncing movements to create momentum which moves the muscle into the stretch.
For example, instead of holding a hamstring stretch you would quickly reach towards your toes and release repeatedly
in short bursts of movement. Fitness trainers have long been warned about the dangers of ballistic stretching because
it can cause a stretch reflex that injures the muscle. Current recommendations from the ACSM state that ballistic
stretching can improve flexibility as well as static stretching when it is performed properly. It is best considered for
those participating in ballistic exercises such as basketball and other athletics.